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This is what makes us what we are

Our Ethics
Our Values
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Our Ethics

All beings are connected to us and we to them: Without their ultimate happiness, how could we be ultimately happy? We thus seek to bring happiness to all beings.


The purpose of the Sarvamangala Ethical Code of Conduct is to establish a simple frame of reference and orientation whereby volunteers can feel safe, secure, and inspired while engaged in beneficial activities for the happiness, contentment, and growth of others, for greater happiness and contentment of their family members, friends, communities, societies, and the world at large.

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Our Values

Christopher Hitchens

“The empowerment of women is the primary route to secure prosperity and socio-economic growth in a society in the long term.”

First Reflect,

then Act

Before we engage in Charity, let us reflect our own underlying assumptions and biases: otherwise we might bring about more harm than sustainable benefit.

Be Flexible,

Understand Contexts

Let us stay flexible: ever holding on to past views and notions causes rigidity and incapacity to understand new contexts.

Inner & Outer Education

The primary, long-term solution to the world’s and our problems is inner and outer education

Authentic Compassion

Let authentic compassion be the force guiding our actions, thoughts and learnings: based on a vision of interconnectedness, absolute respect and nonduality

Open & Pluralistic View of Truths

We take an open and pluralistic view of the truth: a ‘laboratory of truth‘.

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